The NHHS Music Boosters are a friendly, efficient group of parents committed to helping our music program thrive.
Members of the Nathan Hale Music Boosters volunteer time and raise funds to help the music department and ensure all students at Hale have access to a top-quality music program that enriches our students’ education and community. That’s our mission, and we hope you’ll join us!
We meet about once a month and offer lots of opportunities to get involved, even if you have very limited time to get involved.
We sell baked goods at concerts, run a few traditional FUNdraisers, do community outreach, and maybe host a party here and there.
To get involved or for more information contact boosters@nathanhalemusic.com or your child’s music teacher.
Co-Chair (Executive Board)
Co-Chair (Executive Board)
Treasurer (Executive Board)
Secretary (Executive Board)
Volunteer Coordinator
Everyone who serves on the Executive Committee is elected by the general membership and is responsible for abiding by Booster by-laws.
Responsibilities include maintaining fiscal oversight of the overall financial health of the organization.
Chair (or Co-Chair): Lead, motivate, and coordinate the Executive Committee and all standing committees and special projects. Work closely with the staff and serve as a liaison between parents and staff. Represent Booster at school meetings and events. Find volunteers for all officer roles, and fill in as needed. If necessary, appoint a volunteer coordinator to help.
Secretary: Take notes at all board and general meetings and make the meeting minutes publicly available (i.e. posting them online and distributing upon request). Send out meeting reminders and serve as the official record-keeper.
Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer: Keep accurate, detailed records of all transactions, balancing the budget, and providing monthly reports to Executive Committee. Notify the Board of any needed budget modifications and ensure that Music Boosters is managing the budget according to the law and bylaws. The assistant treasurer collects and deposits all checks and disperses funds according to the approved budget. Together, they also maintain all licenses and nonprofit registrations, and file appropriate IRS forms. They should also make sure Music Boosters conducts a mid-year and end-of-year audit.
Communications Chair: Oversee Music Boosters communications channels (website, email, school mail, social media.). Could either appoint volunteers to oversee each function or take them on.
Other Communications Tasks:
External Outreach/Public Relations: Notifies area feeder schools (Jane Addams, Eckstein, Sacajawea, etc.) when there are special events; sends releases to area neighborhood newsletters (online and print); notifies school district of important news and events.
Internal Outreach and Publicity: Ensure all important news and events get communicated to music families and broader school community.
Website: This can be one role or subdivided into
webmaster (responsible for making sure site functions properly and hosting providers are paid)
web content creator (responsible for posting photos, news, blog posts, calendar events, etc.)
Social Media: Currently, we only have an active Facebook page. Build community by posting relevant news/photos, etc. Could expand to other channels, such as Instagram.
Photographer: Capture video and stills that can be used throughout communications channels.
Special Events: help with messaging, making flyers/posters, etc. for fundraising and other big events.
Fundraising Chair: Develops a comprehensive fundraising strategy (two-year plan), overseeing all existing fundraising activities and investigating new opportunities to determine the most appropriate activities/events to meet budget goals. Conducts cost/benefit analyses, maintains relationships with major donors/sponsors, and oversees corporate matching programs.
Other Fundraising Tasks:
Events/Bake Sale Helpers: Don’t want an ongoing commitment but willing to help out once in a while? Be on the lookout for emails linking to signup forms before each event. We almost always need volunteers to make our events run smoothly.
Volunteer Coordinator: We need someone to send out signup forms before each event. We also would love to have at least one parent liaison for each music program (choir, orchestra, wind ensemble, jazz band/choir).
Event Lead: Ideally, we have one or two leads for each key fundraising event. Past events have included:
Red Robin
Panda Express
Barnes & Noble
The Royal Room